8 September 2012


Jane Rushby's room

Here's my writing:
Christmas Eve, 3.20pm. 1/2 hour before sunset. In a farmhouse kitchen it's the day after a Midwinter Feast. The view is from one side of a large table - upon which are assorted children's toys and games. There is also the domestic detritus from a recent meal of leftovers, washed down with home-made sherry, drunk from a decanter as shots. The view across the table includes a large gold vase of crimson tulips, behind which is a blue Rayburn (the beating heart of the house in winter), boiling kettle in place and a range of kitchen utensils suspended around. Between the Rayburn and a pine door with 19th century farmhouse latch is a gas cooker, mostly obscured by tulips, and above, a clock. A low watt energy saving bulb lights the Rayburn hotplate, in addition to watery December light, filtered by steamy windows, lighting the scene....

See what you can do with that! I have a photo.

Warm regards,

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